Boy, that really puts the kibosh on todays post.
Things that currently have me very pissed off
- The blantant bigotry of the owner towards anyone who isn't Filippino. The whiter you are the more he hates you.
- Speedi-Shuttle. Potential lawsuit here, so I am mum.
- "The Jerk". What can I say about a 14 year old living in a 40+ year old's body.
- The drunk who took off running, stiffing me for a measley $5.90
And then I get home and Blogger will only accept one pic at a time.
Oh, I did have a nice dinner this morning. Hamburger steak, gravy and a greek salad (romaine lettuce, black olives, waxed peppers, feta cheese, purple onion, tomato, seasoned red wine dressing).
Business was shitty and my anger quotient is deeply in the DANGER ZONE.
I am officially cancelling yesterday and this morning. They do not exist, anymore.
Off to bed.
Flickr: Photos from macprohawaii

"Let's all be careful out there!"