It seems as if the German police should have had a easy time in locating this lady after she fled the scene of a theft. Being naked and covered in manure would tend to attract attention. Wouldn't it?
Starting Tuesday, it will be illegal for California drivers to use a handheld cell phone while operating a motor vehicle. The use of headsets is acceptable. The fine won't be too bad though. $20, plus fee, for the first offense. $50, plus fees, for subsequent violations. A lot of countries, and a few of the States, already have similar laws.
Next month the Church of Sweden will conduct drive-in weddings. Honk once for "I do"?
Allegedly never used, a life jacket from the Titanic was recently sold at action for $68,500. I wonder if it would have drawn more if publicized as being "only used once"?
Money and power breed corruption. Thats a given. Also a given is that "pillow talk" is often the "loose lips that sink ships". The Chinese are learning this the hard way. LOL!
One shining example of the mobility of American society and commerce has come to a sudden halt.

"Let's all be careful out there!"