"City Of Angels"
Started the night with an unscheduled Grand to OGG. A nice guy headed home to Atlanta, Georgia, USA. About 4 minutes into the trip, Judy calls. She has dinner at Fred's every Tuesday night with her co-workers. Tuesday is $2-Taco night. I told her what I was doing and that it would be about 45 minutes before I could fetch her. The airport was virtually empty when I arrived. Its been a very long time since I have seen so few people there. Picked her up 5 minutes later than I had guesstimated. I log her run but don't (never will) collect from her. A hour later I score fare #3 and an hour after that, #4. #5 came 3 minutes later and then nothing until 3:40am, my only "graveyard" fare. #22, Prim, logged on for day-shift at 3:25am and I gave him the phone and reservations by 4:00am and "beat feet" for home. All-in-all, I was pretty lucky. Considering how quiet it was I still managed to put $80 in my pocket for the shift. As you faithful readers know, there have been many nights worse.
Took this image of the FoodLand parking lot, across from the "Triangle" about 11:30pm. You can see all the cars that AREN'T there.

While Paradise Driver was one year old back on Valentine's Day, I didn't really start "tracking" visitors until April 4th of last year. So this is what has happened over the last 365 days.
Daily / Weekly / Monthly (from Stat-Counter)

I have had 27,717 unique visitors, who generated 36,536 page loads. Which is 100 page loads and 76 visitors per day, on average. The largest number of visits were when the earthquake hit back in October. Right after I activated this counter, Melissa Plaut (New York Hack), included me in her first list of other cabbies around the world. But the surge from that noteworthy event didn't last long. The holiday season really kicked this blog's ass, as you can see in the graphs.
The nice thing about doing these daily (rare among bloggers) postings is the wonderful people I have met. Many of whom I consider as friends in this virtual world.
I am still following up on a couple of ideas that my "internet whiz" suggested, so there are still changes coming down the pike.
To all who have commented on the Lee Marvin story. I knew it was an "urban legend" when I published it. So, why did I perpetuate it? Because it is a great yarn. A "feel good" story. No one is/was harmed by it. All these detractors seem to have this overwhelming desire to bring icons down to their level of mundane existence. Enough already! Learn to lighten up some and enjoy life. Oh, and don't debunk our other cultural myths about Santa, the Tooth Fairie and the Easter Bunny. I'll believe in what I want to believe in, regardless of what the facts say.
Mahalo for coming by and I hope you can find your way back here again tomorrow.Aloha
Wildflowers Abound

"Let's all be careful out there!"