FOR NOTHING!Dubya has promised $5,000,000 (the proverbial "drop-in-the-bucket") to rebuild the collapsed
I-35W bridge in Minneapolis. Considering his rebuilding track record in Iraq and New Orleans, I am not holding out much hope. Are you?
Judy called me yesterday afternoon from her work. She was headed home, sick as a dog, and needed to cancel our standing "date".
I'll check in with her this evening to see if she needs anything.
Did a quick dash to the store for provisions and was "sawing logs" myself before 10p. Slept like a baby. Plan to stay up a few hours and then try to get some more shut-eye before its time to head back to work tonight.
I am curious as to what the odometer on
ONE-NINE will be. Probably about 97500 or so. We'll see.
Need to get either a new battery for my cell or a new cell. The charge will not hold for longer than 5 minutes "talk" time, no matter how long it stays on the charger. If the costs are comparable, I'll opt for a new phone. These things only seem to last about 2 years before needing to be replaced. Probably won't be able to budget it in until next week, at the earliest.
The best "grassroots" support program for our soldiers is getting bigger every day. Stop over at
TOYS-FOR-TROOPS.COM to get all the info and offer whatever support you can. Every smile that can be put on a little kids face in the war zone might just be one less body bag being shipped home to the States. I know that any assistance that you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Or check out the
G'NIGHTGIRL's blog. The last one has some really great pix taken by her son, Brian, of the kids in Iraq trying to just be kids. Brian is in the Army and currently back home, on leave.
I'll be back tomorrow.
Until then,
Wailea Beach
Wailea Resort
Wailea Coast
Wailea Beach

"Let's all be careful out there!"