Shortly after 7:30p I had my first fare, an OGG out of Wailea. It took until 10p before my second run, also an OGG from Wailea. Added 4 more fares after that, through bar close. Then another 4 during the dog-watch.
One of my overnight trips was a regular. A boyfriend; yes, she has more than one; had been arrested for DUI. She called me to take her to the Kihei Station of MPD, at 3a, I was able to get her at 3:20a. Along the route we stopped by another friend of hers to get the $1,000 cash for the "get out of jail card". I have to admire her. How many people do you know that can call a friend at 3a and stop by their house 30 minutes later to collect the $1,000 cash? Geez, how many people do you know that have that much cash in their house?
Yeah. Me neither.
Today marked the beginning of the exodus of the holiday visitors. It should stay pretty steady through today and tomorrow. Then it is going to become very hard to find something to write about, without whining, for the next 4 weeks.
The entire night crew made money last night. Terry held the phone and I just drove. That was a nice way to spend a full-moon madness Friday.
The idiots were out last night. In force.
We had a solo rollover, auto vs. tree, in north central Kihei. One person ejected and people were "pumping his chest" according to TMR, who witnessed it. Apparently not a fatal, since the road was only closed long enough to clear the scene and MAIT (Major Accident Investigation Team) was not called out.
"Crazy" Brian witnessed two vehicles pass him, after bar close, one in excess of 80mph and the other over 100mph. Then he came across an accident at the new transition from the Pi'ilani Hwy to Mokulele Hwy.
At one point during the night, I made a pick-up from the World Mark, in south-central Kihei. The fire alarm was sounding at the office/lobby with a strobe light flashing on the roof. My passengers told me it had just gone off. I called 9-1-1 and advised them of what was going down. Next time I passed by, there was one firetruck and two police cars on scene. Just a false alarm. Well, I'd rather be safe than sorry.
10 fares / 134 miles / 4th quarter $100 bracket
Those of you returning home from the holiday, this weekend, please drive carefully. Drive like you are the only sober person on the road. You'll probably be right.

"Let's all be careful out there!"