Woke up about 3:30pm yesterday, did my laundry and started trying to get ready for work. Every movement was torture. This poor body of mine has been insulted too many times over the past decades and now I am paying the price. Its a bitch to grow old.
Called off at 6:15pm and went back to bed.

Melissa, of NEW YORK HACK had this interesting photo in today's post. The sign in the rear window says:
Yes, I DO own the road
I couldn't find a blank "diamond" template, so I had to use a square one to make this:

I am going to print this out on some heavy stock paper, laminate it and post it in my cab's rear window. May even put one in my POV too.

Bad combination.
First, almost all people from polynesia have a low tolerance for alcohol. Two 12oz (355ml) cans/bottles of 4%-5% beer hits them like two 6-packs would most people of european decent.
The trouble reported at the "Triangle" in my prior post was caused by a drunk 400#+ (182kg+) Hawai'ian who decided he would urinate on the entry door to one of the bars. The bouncer chased him off.

After bar close, the Hawai'ian waited for the bouncer to get off work and "way-layed" him, right in front of the police. Choked the bouncer into unconciousness while viciously beating him.

He was Tasered multiple times before he could be shackled and placed in the back of a patrol car. Did it end there? Of course not. He kicked out a window, dented the steel protective shield between the front and back. Kicked a rear door so hard and so often that it was shoved 1 inch (2.5 cm) out of its frame.

This was a racially motivated hate crime. The Hawai'ian kept screaming the he hated "Haoles". Most visitors think that "haole" (how-lay) is the Hawai'ian word for "foreigner". Actually, the true translation is "a person without breathe (a 'soul')" and it is a pejorative word.
During the beating, the Hawai'ian also kept screaming that he was going to "trunk" the bouncer. "Trunking" is when a victim is beaten senseless, placed in the trunk (boot) of a motor vehicle, large heavy objects are piled on top of the victim and the vehicle is driven over the dirt roads in the cane fields at 50+ mph (80+ kph). Whats left of the victim is then dumped in some isolated cane field to live or die. They don't care. If the victim is female, she'll be gang-raped at both ends of the trip.
Will this be prosecuted under our Federal laws regarding hate crimes? Probably not. We don't have race/hate crimes in Hawai'i. Just ask the various "Visitor Bureaus". Everybody loves everyone here. Its the "Aloha" spirit. Excuse me while I go puke.

Personally, I would not have used the Taser. I would have put a .357 through the assholes brain.
Of course, I am from a different generation of law enforcement and "politically correct" just isn't in my attitude or my training.

"Let's all be careful out there!"