THE EAGLE HAS LANDEDI was scheduled to leave on
US Airways flight 31 from Kahului to Phoenix at 10:40 PM. As I checked my luggage, the counter person told me the flight was going to be delayed.
"By how long?" I inquired.
"Until 1:30 AM," he replied. "The in-bound flight just left Phoenix."
The first thing I did was call my son. While it was just 8:30 PM on Maui, it was 11:30 PM in California. I wanted to let him know not to be waiting for me in Sacramento at Noon. Stood around and smoked cigarettes across the street from the terminal, knowing that once I passed the
TSA security check point I wouldn't have another cancer stick until I arrived at my destination, 15 hours later.
Finally went through security about 9:00 PM and headed for my departure gate. I was already exhausted, since I had been awake since 4:00 AM.
Kahului Airport:

US Airways is the one we cabbies referred to as "Payday", due to the frequency of their failures to depart, I called the airline's 800 number to see if the in-bound flight had actually departed for Maui. It had and finally arrived at
OGG at 1:00 AM. I found a row of four empty seats near the gate and stretched out for a much needed nap, using my laptop as a pillow. I immediately zonked. Just conscious enough to hear peoples voices around me. A trait I have developed over my life. We were finally boarded and backed away from the gate at 2:10 AM. Only 3½ hours late.
My last view of Maui:

Get airborne and and I try to grab some more Z's. But the seat wouldn't recline, because the mechanism was malfuntioning. I know the seats don't tilt back very far anyway but I ended up having to sit fully erect for the entire 5½ hours. Sleeping for 15 minutes and then having to shift positions.
The broken control:

Since we were headed east, sunrise came early for me. And the day dawned over a beautiful clear Pacific ocean
Dawn over the middle of nowhere:

Less than an hour prior to arrival in Phoenix we finally crossed the Pacific coast between San Diego and Los Angeles.

Then it was desert. Miles and miles of desert that the inland part of southern California is famous for.

This is the south end of the Salton Sea. Looking south towards Brawley and El Centro:
The Colorado River, just north of Yuma AZ:
Coming into Phoenix from the south:

In Phoenix:
Sky Harbor is sure a lot bigger than Maui:

This was the plane that brought me this far:
The "A" Concourse at
Sky Harbor was larger than
ALL of Maui's airport. My departure was from the "B" Concourse, about 2 miles away. Thank gawd for moving walkways. I also saw signs for a "C" Concourse. There is a complete multi-lane highway system
inside the airport structure.
Saw these cabs making pickup:

Made it to my departure gate and saw this young mother and son looking at the plane I was leaving on. Made conversation with her and they were on standby, hoping to get to Sacramento. They did get on.

Which was lucky because the flight was full

A young couple sat across the aisle from me with two small children. The little girl wasn't quite a year old and loved flirting with me. Her older brother might have been 3 and had the energy of that age but was very well behaved. Both parents looked tired. Of course, all parents with kids that age always look tired. It comes with the job description.

This young lady was from Pittsburg PA. She works for a
Harley shop/dealership in that area. We had a nice conversation.

Not as big as Phoenix but still huge compared to Maui,
Sacramento International was a relief. I was done flying.

Leaving the airport:
My son, Rob:
You think Kansas is flat? The Central Valley of California certainly is:
My son's home is huge. Two-story (4/2½) and is the keystone lot on their cul-de-sac.
This week I start getting the passport paperwork started and start applying for the position(s) I am seeking in Korea.
Thanks for coming by today. I appreciate it. I'll have at least one more today for you, maybe a couple. I hope you enjoyed the travelog.
"Let's all be careful out there!"