Every year when Alissa arrives I am totally amazed at how much more beautiful she become. She is now 22 years old and I have known her for 6 years. I have secrets that I will take to the grave, rather than violate the trust we have for each other. To learn more about our relationship, just enter her name, or nickname, into this blog's search bar. Catherine is Alissa's roommate and has joined the family for their annual visit. The rest of the family will follow in one (Pete & Leah) and two (Dad [Ron]) weeks.
The airline lost Susan's (Mom) luggage. How can a direct flight from Minneapolis to Mau'i loose luggage? Talk about incompetent.
Many moons ago, when I moved here, I told the ticket agent, in San Francisco, that I wanted bag #1 to go to London, bag #2 to go to Rio de Janeiro and bag #3 to go to Tokyo. She told me that that was impossible. I responded with "No, its not. The last time I flew with you folks, thats where they all went." She didn't even smile. Tough crowd for my comedy routine.
More pics of
Alissa and Company to follow, as the weeks progress.
I actually did work last night. Did a four hour stint and then took a two hour break. Came back out about 1:00am to finish off the night. Next two days are off and hopefully I'll be back in top form by Tuesday night. It'd be nice to be able to breathe (normally) again. I made decent money because I lucked into two different trips to OGG. Since it was difficult for me to carry on a conversation, the tips sucked. I couldn't do my regular "razzle-dazzle" talk story with my passengers. Like I have said before, to generate good tips you must be an actor and entertain your audience. No "show" means no applause (money).
Ke'e BeachIn Ha'ena State ParkIs The Last Beach OnThe North Shore Of Kaua'i
Kipu Ranch Land And Kipu Kai Beach
Lumaha'i BeachWas Used In The Filming Of The MovieSouth Pacific
Makua Beach
Lihue Airport And The Mokihana CourseAt Kaua'i Lagoons Golf Club
Makua Beach(a/k/a/ Tunnels Beach)
Marc Pali Ke Kua ResortPrinceville
North Shore Of Kaua'iFrom Tunnels Beach To Kilauea Point
Pacific Missile Range FacilityAt Barking SandsPoipu Resort Area And Ha'upu Mountain Range
Poipu Resort Area And Ha'upu Mountain Range
Polihale Beach Is Hawai'i's Longest BeachAt 17 Miles (27 km) In Length
Polihale Beach
Port Allen HarborOn Kaua'i's South Shore
Summit of Mount WaialealeThe Wettest Place On The Face Of The Earth
Sugar Cane Fields East Of Mt. Waialeale
Princeville Resort
The Na Pali Coast Of Kaua'iExtends From Polihale Beach In The SouthTo Ke'e Beach In The North
The Rugged Mountains On Kaua'i
The Waita ReservoirJust North Of Koloa

"Let's all be careful out there!"