Thanks to Happy Thoughts for this video.
Jack-in-the-Box is a regional US fast-food chain. Very popular where it exists.
And RuPaul is, well, RuPaul.
Trying to think of things that I can cook and suddenly I remembered this:
Tamale Pie
This is a meal that Mom used to make. I had her recipe once but it vanished over the years. So I Google'd it and found many variations. This one is the closest to what I remember:
1 Heaping cup yellow corn meal
1 Cup cold water
3 Cups boiling water
1 Teaspoon garlic spread (crushed garlic can be substituted)
1 Pound of ground meat (preferably beef)
1 Medium onion chopped
1 Can whole kernel corn #2
1 Can ripe olives, whole black olives
1 Teaspoon chili powder, or more to taste
2 Cans Tomato sauce
Mix 1 heaping cup yellow corn meal and 1 cup cold water, add 3 cups boiling water and 1 teaspoon garlic spread and bring to a boil.
Brown 1pound ground meat, 1 medium chopped onion, salt and pepper, 1 can whole kernel corn #2, 1 can olives, 1 teaspoon chili powder or more, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 2 cans tomato sauce.
Add corn meal mixture and cook on low 15 minutes. Turn into 2 qt. casserole and put shredded cheese on top and bake at 400 about 20 minutes.
Click HERE and walk through the steps
I was reading Jeepgirl's latest post and it started me thinking about CPR.I had friends who worked in the Safety Department at one of the large local oil refineries. They told me about a course they were planning on attending. Something called cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Like all cops, I had Advanced First Aid certification but had seen people have heart attacks and there was nothing that I could do to help them. This was also prior to ambulance crews being EMTs or paramedics. Their training wasn't any more extensive than mine. Still what we knew was light years ahead of what was allowed less than 10 years earlier. Back then it was just "scoop & run". Whether you went in the ER door or the Morgue door was determined by your condition when they pulled into the driveway. If you're interested, you can read the History of CPR.
I joined them for the 20 hour course and, yes, I have performed CPR many times, with about a 90% success rate (they were alive when we entered the ER). Which ain't too shabby. Until the Red Cross added CPR to their curriculum in the late 70's, I think I was the only deputy who was certified to do it.
I've decided to change The Picture Gallery a bit. Rather than using the large images on the face of the blog, I am going to downsize them. Each image will still be clickable to see the gigantic size I've always tried to produce. It should speed up the loading of this site on some folks connections.***
Don't forget! - Turn your clocks ahead on Saturday night for Sunday morning.Mahalo

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"