For my non-USA readers, we celebrate our Thanksgiving Holiday on the 25th. It happens on the fourth Thursday of each November.
The traditional fare is roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, corn (usually on the cob), dressing, rolls, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and an assortment of "goodie" to much on while smelling that delicious turkey cooking. It is also a day of American football, the gathering of friends and family, usually at the grandparents house. It is a wonderful, festive day. This is the traditional start of the Christmas season.
It celebrates the first harvest by the Pilgrim settlers, from Plymouth UK, in
present day Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA. It is a day of mourning for native Americans. The beginning of their "end", sadly.
What am I doing on Thanksgiving? Why working, of course. I do have Christmas and New Year's Eve/New Year's Day off. That hasn't happened in a long time.
It is also a day I hated as a cop. Family members who have an ingrained hatred for each other are forced to endure the presence of of their displeasure. Add alcohol and viola! This is the day of the worst family disturbances (aka - brawls/mini-riots). Besides the fact that I was missing dinner with my family, I was having to referee some drunkards' version of "Ultimate Fighting".
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LOL"June in Florida" commented about me being in the sun this week. All I can say is that it was pure hell and thank goodness for SPF-1,000,000 sunblock. Did get a little crispy around the edges, though. [wink]
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UNUSUAL WAVESWednesday's 8.3 earthquake in the Kuril Islands of Japan did generate some small tsunami activity in Hawai'i. Mau'i News story. It did delay some harbor traffic at Kahului. The tsunami warning sirens were not activated.
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AS GOOD AS IT GOTAbout 2:20am, this morning, I get a call. Someone at LAB (Life's A Beach) needing to go to a residential condo about 1/2 mile south. I tell the caller to wait by the side door and I would be there in less than 5 minutes. Find out that the cab is not for him, but for his roommate. He tells me to just look for a guy that looks like Charles Manson. I found him:

Looks more like Gallagher to me
The Filipino Influence

"Let's all be careful out there!"