About as gawl awful slow as a night can get.
The driver-turned-dispatcher now handles the phones from 1p to 9p. I don't know which nights he'll be doing this but I am suppose to start doing Sunday nights again this weekend. Found the "night" phone in ONE-NINE when I checked in. After that I learned about the new dispatching setup. Tuesday night is "Crazy" Brian's (#11) night "in the barrel". Somehow it just hadn't been convenient for him to swing by ONE-NINE and grab the phone before I came in. At the 9p switchover, "Crazy" was in Lahaina. The owner asked me to work the phone and that "Crazy" would do it on Friday. No worries, and I get to just "drive" on the busiest night of the week. I can live with that.
Almost nailed a jaywalker last night. My first run of the shift was a sweet family from somewhere in northern Mexico. We arrived at their restaurant earlier than they had expected, by about 30 minutes. Dad asked me to give them a little tour of Kihei. Traffic, as usual, was slow on South Kihei Road. Its dinner-time and the road can't accommodate that much volume. As we crept north, I was watching a couple of skateborders "stunting" in the bike lane. Suddenly, my passenger shouts:
Some drugged out moron walking from between 2 oncoming cars and stepping directly in my path. Slammed on the brakes. Jerked the wheel to the hard left, hoping that he would continue walking towards my right. Luck was on both of our sides at that moment. Inches, less, from his imminent death. He was so far into his own universe, he never even was aware of anything on our side of reality.Dad, riding "shotgun", cussed him out in Spanish as we passed. That was pretty kewl. I knew some of the words but to hear them so fluently and fluidly used was impressive. He also complimented me on my quick and correct reaction. Told me I had fast reflexes. Not as fast as they used to be, sadly.
Its going to happen sooner or later. One of our cabs is going to nail someone. And it won't be the driver's fault.
Then I had two dinner returns, one bar rush, three bar close and one dog-watch. Was home before 5a.
8 fares / 82 miles / 1st quarter $100 bracket
A very, very long time ago, I was starting on patrol. Headed out to my beat on a very busy two-lane road. The car in front of me suddenly swerves, as does the car in the oncoming lane. Both away from the center line.A toddler(!!), just standing on the double yellow line. I swerve, slam on the brakes and light up the "red-heads". Snatch the kid out of the street and pull off the road. Advised dispatch and then started checking with the small row of houses bordering one edge of the sidestreet. Knocked on the door, waited, a typical tired young mother appeared. She saw the little boy and her hand flew to her mouth, while her eyes widened and glanced at the inside hook latch, tears welling instantly. Her reaction was enough to tell me that "Junior" had learned a new "trick". These homes were low cost rentals. Uniquely, this one was very clean and well kept. Mom was sober and had just stepped away to check on dinner. Nothing I could have said would have made a greater impression than what she already knew.
Hope everyone has a great day and that we can hook-up again tomorrow.Mahalo
The Original "Bodysurfer"

"Let's all be careful out there!"