When I saw this at a friend's blog, I broke up laughing. That pretzel is filled with chocolate and covered in candy sprinkles. Thank you Miss Muppet (and Mum and Dad) for providing such a wonderful sliver of time.
"SURE! COME ON DOWN!"Picked up Judy from work and we went car shopping for her. She had called several places during the week and two had caught her interest. Off to a dealer over in Kahului, in response to an "on-line" website for this dealer. She had filled out a credit application and stated what her automotive and financial requirements were. In just a couple of minutes after pressing SEND, her phone rang. The company has dealerships on all the major islands and her call was from the Honolulu headquarter. After confirming the facts he told her that they would be able to accommodate her "needs" and set an appointment to meet a sales rep at their Mau'i location. We were in and out of there in 5 minutes. The local guys were very nice and professional. Judy restated her requirements and everything the "voice" from Honolulu had said was incorrect. By the time we got back to Kihei, her second choice had closed for the day. Dinner wasn't fancy tonight. We did some shopping at Safeway and then ordered some pizza delivery when we got to her place.
As usual, we watched
HEROES, best episode yet, and visited. Catching up with what had occurred this past week in our lives.
I showed her the pic above and she cracked up too.
Well, back to work tomorrow night. I've got my fingers (and toes, eyes, lips, legs, arms) crossed for a really good week.
Mahalo for dropping in.
See you tomorrow. Same channel, variable time.
THE PICTURE GALLERYKAUA'IFamily Of Chickens At The Waimea Canyon Lookout

Nene Crossing At The Kalalau Lookout

Pihea TrailBeginning At The Pu'u O Kila Lookout
Pu'u Hinahina ViewpointWaimea Canyon


"Let's all be careful out there!"