Whether or not I continue dispatching on Sunday nights and when my next driving/dispatch night will be. We started the new "rotation" list yesterday, while I was off. I am the last name on the list since it is alphabetical by first name.
The National Park Service has suspended all commercial "Bike-down-the-mountain" activities, for at least 60 days, within the Haleakala N.P. boundary. 5 deaths this year. This is one of the largest tour activity-business on the island and will cause a major drop in island revenue.***
Yesterday was the anniversary of last years earthquake just off the Kona coast of the Big Island.Some areas on Mau'i are still trying to recover.
The electrical companies claim that their systems will not fail in the event of a replay. Hell, it wasn't suppose to have happened the first time.
Whether or not our local radio stations have now installed back-up generators is unknown. I was prepared for a disaster but it turns out that the most vital of our services on the island were not.
Oh, both of the electrical generation plants on Mau'i are in the tsunami evacuation zone and would likely fail if we get a good sized one.
Where I live is about 180 feet above sea level, so I am safe but the only road out of town is 1 foot above sea level and everyone in Kihei/Wailea/Makena would be trapped until the roadway could be cleared.
Was back to bed by 6a Monday morning and slept very late that afternoon. With a bit'o'luck I should sleep late again today to get ready for a new week of work.Tuesdays occasionally are okay but not often. We'll see what The Fates deal out for this week's hand.
Check-in again tomorrow.
Fairmont Kea Lani Resort
Wailea, Mau'i
Wailea, Mau'i

"Let's all be careful out there!"