"Not a problem,Miss."She was inside Safeway for almost 1-1/2 hours! She tipped more than $20 at the end. She also had an interesting story A little over a decade ago she was employed by a major car rental company in the "Bay area". She and her co-workers were robbed and taken hostage. Threatened with execution unless the robbers got more money than the $800 the agency had on hand.
"You know how people say that your life passes before your eyes when you think you are about to die?" She asked.It felt good speaking with her.
"Yes. I do."
"That didn't happen to me. All I saw was a blank slate. Nothing on it."
"Thats when you were reborn, 'Susan'. The moment your new life started."
"You are absolutely right. Thats how I look at it. I am a completely different person today than I was then. I suffered from a long bout of post traumatic stress but have finally come to terms with the whole issue and am happier than I have ever been."
10 fares / 92 miles / 3rd quarter $100 bracket
As I stated earlier, when ONE-NINE's odometer reached 99,000 miles that would be the closure of accepting guesses for the 100,000 date. I turned over 99,000 miles at 3:16a today. I will revise the CONTEST post in a while to reflect the remaining entrants. The winner will be the person who comes closest to the date/time that ONE-NINE turns over 100,000 miles without exceeding the actual date/time. It should occur sometime next week.Mahalo
Flash Flood
This is what we need badly.
Okay, maybe not THIS much
but close
This is what we need badly.
Okay, maybe not THIS much
but close

"Let's all be careful out there!"