21 runs and well over $300 on the meter. Very, very nice.
*** *** ***
When Europeans first discovered the BULLSHIT!
Today, the young toughs of the islands have formed the equivalent of gangs. On Mau'i, the three major groups are the "southside", the "westside" and the "central. These are names assigned by me for identification purposes only. The westsiders hate the other two and the central and southsiders have a working truce, often violated. You are born into these gangs, no application necessary. The lineage from the tribes to the gangs is easily traceable. Our Hawai'ian parallel to the Mafia uses these gangs to foster and nurture future members of their group.
These groups mix daily as life's needs demand, but change the scene to a social gathering (i.e. "nightclubs") then the true hatred of one against another becomes apparent.
Last night, around bar close, I had just taken the phone and was cruising Hapa's parking lot. As I neared the exit I could see a group of 10 young Hawai'ians, early twenties, parting ways after an apparent scuffle. I think my driving up on them may have stopped the fight. 7 headed back to the club and the other 3 going towards Lipoa Street. When I reached the street, they hailed me and we went to the Renaissance. They were from the westside and the southside and central boyz didn't appreciate their company.
We may be a State, part of a nation, but clan comes first and the tribes will continue to battle, through eternity.
Buzz's Wharf

"Let's all be careful out there!"