Around midnight I am sent to THE GRAND for a couple going to one of the gated condos in Wailea. As I arrive I see 2 women sitting on the bench in the center island. I stop right next to them. No sign of acknowledgment or response to my presence. Must not be my people. About 3 minutes later the brunette stood and walked towards ONE-NINE. The blond lit another cigarette and the brunette returned to her.
"Are you the ladies that called for a cab?"
"Are you here for us?"
"Well, unless you believe in remarkable coincidence, I would think so."
I lean towards the passenger door and do an exaggerated scan of the hotel's entry.
"Don't look like there are a whole lot of other folks looking for a cab right now. You're going to XXXXXX, right?"
"Thats us" replied the brunette.
The blond lit another cigarette.
I started the meter. I knew what was coming next.
"You don't mind waiting while I smoke another cigaette, do you?"
"Not a problem. The meters running, so take all the time you want."
Her jaw drops.
"You started the meter? We're not even in the cab yet!"
"Thats true but you hired my services when you asked me to wait. I earn money by both mileage AND time."
She snuffs her smoke and they both climb in.
The trip is maybe 1/2 mile in length. The entire time they were in a very close embrace. "French" kissing and fondling each other. Very, very passionately.
"I wish you weren't a girl" the blond huskily exhaled as we arrived at the condo.
"Would you like to come in for some wine?"
The brunette paid me and I cleared the meter.
"That sounds like fun." blondie replied "I could stay the night and then leave from your place to go to work."
Brownie's face radiated as she quipped,
"We'll have an enjoyable night."
A VERY pregnant pause.........
"No. I think I'll just go home. I'll come by tomorrow morning, on my way into work, and pick-up my car. If I am not running late, we'll have a cup of coffee."
A few more polite invitations and denials and the ride continued to blondie's house. I've known blondie for as long as I have driven cab. She used to do the same sort of hustle with guys in the Kihei bars until everyone got wise to her. She is now working a different circuit, I see. We arrived at her place and I get the typical "I left my money in the house" routine.
"No problem. Just leave the purse you are carrying here on the seat and go grab your cash. Me and your purse will be waiting for you. With the meter running."
"With the meter running!?!"
"Don't waste your money arguing. Just go get your money and hustle you ass back out here. Pronto!"
The logic of that concept penetrated and she ran to her front door. And two minutes later I was very happy that a $6 fare became $17.
*** *** ***
Strangest thing this morning. Tried to log on to Blogger and no go. Couldn't get in to "New" Blogger either. Google news was gone. Google newsreader was dead. In fact, anything associated with Google was unavailable. I could get to other places. Just nothing of Google's.Thanks for dropping by and have a fantastic day. Okay?
Salt Pond Park

"Let's all be careful out there!"