Today begins the final year of "middle-age" for my "ex". Called her a little past 7a this morning (her time) and was lucky enough to have caught her at home.
Once, when we were married, I did forget her birthday. Along with everyone else in both of our families. She was devastated. You can guess how I felt. I swore that day that I would NEVER(!) forget her birthday for the rest of my life.
And I haven't.
And I won't.
For as long as I live.

~ Today's Moon & Sun rise ~
The shift started with an OGG less than a half-hour after "log-on" ("10-1"). One run each in the 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock hours. Two pupus in the first half of 10p. That was it. We had 1 bar run. ONE! Kimo (#7) was gone by 1:20a. "Crazy" Brian (#11) gave me the phone about 1:30a and went "pau hana". At 1:45a I was sitting across from LAB, in the FoodLand parking lot and a pickup truck pulls next to me. A BIG "local boy" gets out and walks over to LAB, right up to the first guy he sees and hits him. Total "sucker" punch. The victim didn't go down. Surprising. "Brudda" starts a "boxers dance" and then nails the stranger again. Knocking him into the street. Still, he maintained his balance. Amazing. Third time was the charm, though. While the stranger is "reeling", trying to get out of the street, "Bubba" does a "jack-hammer" blow to the kids head. Lights out. Not satisfied, "Bruiser" then raised the unconscious form up to his kneecap level and then drives said kneecap into the victim's face.
"Basher" then continued his predatory prowl. Seeking other opponents. Finally corralled by some friends, thus stopping the mayhem.
The "action" was too far away and too dim for my camera to capture and too fast moving to use a time-exposure setting.
At that point I decided it was time to get some gas. TMR (#27) called it a night, then, also.
The graveyard brought 2 pupus. Thus ending the shift in the lower quarter of the $100 bracket. 7 fares, 87 miles.
The security at the "Triangle" closed all entrances last night. Even the main (rear) parking area. We couldn't gain access to any of the bars (not that we had any calls to do so) for pickups or drops. The rumor is that there is going to be a meeting between the property management and the bar owners, today. Supposedly, management is tired of all the problems that occur on the property between 12 midnight and 2a. They want to have all the bars, on their property, to close at midnight. They have both the legal right and contractual right to do this. "Moose's" and "Fred's", 2 miles south, already are required to close by midnight at their location.
Its going to get interesting.
Still. Why in the hell did the property management even allow this many bars in such a confined area? Also, why did the county government issue the mandatory business licenses and liquor sales permits, knowing that the area was going to be overcrowded?
I wonder which ones will close and which ones will move to another location?
The Suns coming up. I've a massive headache. Have a fantastic day, I am off to bedMahalo
Another Beautiful Beach

"Let's all be careful out there!"