Thats one of the drawbacks. Being in such intimate contact with people in the confines of a cab means whatever bug they are carrying, the driver is exposed.
I haven't been feeling too perky of late. Nothing to do with the teeth issue, just an ever increasing soreness in all my muscles and joints. Congestion, etc. A summertime cold. I almost called off last night. The spirit was willin' but the body was belly-aching. Mind over matter and off we went. 3 hours later, the body counter-attacked. I came home until 1a. Fretfully cat-napped for a bit. Made it through the graveyard segment. I am
NOT going in tonight, though. E-mailed the owner to let him know. Included a suggestion to have Hardin dispatch and I will do his Saturday night shift with the phone. Cajoled my morning relief to come in 2 hours early tomorrow morning to cover the dog-watch. Since it will be Friday night, he'll probably make some decent money. This takes the pressure off of the owner, trying to find someone to cover those hours.
Last night had an aborted start. Checked in and am immediately sent for an
OGG. Pulled up and the bellhop advises me that the people had panicked. Forgetting that they had made arrangements with another company to pick them up. My consolation prize was a
Renaissance to
The Shops. A whopping $5.60! Covered 4 more fares before 10p. Got one bar close and 2 dog-watch, one of which took me to Kahului.
8 fares / 98 miles / 2nd quarter of $100 bracket
I have a special photo spread planned for tomorrow. Courtesy of
Maui Action Photos. Stop in and check it out.
Facing The Harbor
Halloween - 2006Front StreetLahaina
Lahaina Cemetary

"Let's all be careful out there!"