and Murphy was an optimist.
Three times last night I came across visually interesting scenes. And three times my little Sony "Cyber-Shot" would only give me a screwed up screen. Reminded me of an older TV set with a blown cathode-ray tube.
Since we are entering our traditional slow period, money is going to be a bit tight until winter tourist season begins. Get home and turn the camera on and viola, the damn thing works perfectly. I give.
I have no idea why it quit or why it began working again. But I ain't looking no gift horse in the mouth.
The night started at less than a snails pace. I had the phone and had nine cabs hibernating around Wailea. Until about 9:00pm, the majority of the calls I fielded were for reservations today (Saturday). Over that 2 hour period, three of the dayshift cabs gave up in defeat and scooted off home. A night driver packed it in at 10:00pm. Then the phone started ringing. Our resources were never taxed but the five reamining cabs stayed relatively active. Auntie Susan finally wore out a little after 1:00am and the final three cabs were gone by 2:30am. Nothing major, just a couple of pu-pus, during my solo hours. The meter total was okay but not impressive. Take-home beat minimum wage, in Hawai'i ($5.15 per hour).
Had one interesting incident during the shift, but the story isn't short and I am too danged tired to relate it this morning. I'll save it for my days off. MEMO TO ME: "MIKE", "ELEVATOR"
Business is definately on the downhill slide into autumn.

Kihei Surfside (near)
Mana Kai (far)
This is the beach that the Mana Kai webcam captures a limited view of.


"Let's all be careful out there!"