Who are the "Good Guys" and who are the "Bad Guys"?
What will the season ending cliff-hanger be (you know there will be one)?
Straight out of the Saturday Matinee serials of the '40's and '50's. How will the hero(es) survive? What can vanquish the most vile of enemies?
This show has definitely drawn heavily on this classical format and, IMO, has done a perfect job.
You haven't seen it yet? Probably because it is up against "24" and "Dancing With The Stars". That is some stiff competition. Yet, every week it draws a larger audience. In the February, 2007, TV-Sweeps Month, it was in the top 25 of all shows. "24" was the #1 show. Getting such high ratings, while going against #1, is unprecedented!
The Sci-Fi Channel repeats Monday's episode as part of their Friday night line-up. Check your cable/sat listings for exact time.
NBC-TV also provides broadband viewing and downloads of the episodes. Just [click] to access the show's webpage.
It has international distribution and is translated into many languages.
I know Lugosi is a fan. Anyone else?
Dinner at Judy's, as usual. She cooked for me tonight. Nothing fancy, just good "tummy stuffing comfort food".She gave me a crock pot/slow cooker that she doesn't use. So, next week, I am going to make a hearty beef stew and take it to her place. I can also do up a pot roast for me during the week and cut back on greasy "choke'n'puke" drive-thrus.
How was your Monday?
Tsk, tsk. That bad, huh?
Finish today and you'll have just 2 more and a "wake-up" to go.
For me, its back to work tonight.
Thanks for coming by.
See you tomorrow.
Ho'okipa Beach Park

"Let's all be careful out there!"