Dollar-wise, a lackluster shift but at least we had "activity" during the early part. I seemed to be on the dispatch god's shit list. Never had a decent run all shift. Just very short pu-pus, most below $10. And nary a fare on the dog-watch. I scraped the dregs all night. Had a reservation for 3:30 AM. Out of Wailea to OGG, which is a strange time. The airport doesn't open for business until 5:00 AM. And since it was such an odd hour, I pretty much guessed that it was going to be a 10-13 (no show/no load), but I had to respond. Just in case. The party never appeared and I didn't call the room. Because I have discovered that people at concierge desks in the resorts don't know the difference between AM and PM. I wish we used military time, as almost everybody outside of North America does. No confusion that way. I actually think in military time and have to convert to the other method when talking to others. I grew up as an "air force brat" and we used military time in our house. I was a cop and that was the standard there also. A 24 hour clock makes so much more sense than a 12 hour one does.
11 fares / 70 miles / 4th quarter below $100 bracket
The "Bond. James Bond" post has drawn a lot of response. Some very interesting ID lines in all of the comments. Check them out and add others that may have been missed. This is an opportunity for all you lurkers to come out and play with the rest of us.
Pat & Ray set the time for me to pick them up on Valentine's Day night. So I know that I'll have at least 2 runs on Thursday. I'll be back tomorrow morning and hope you can stop in too.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"