A spectacular shift!I sat first up in Wailea for over an hour, thinking that the week was going to end as bad as it had started. Then had a Four Seasons to Sansei, a vivacious 4-pax from SoCal. Cleared that and, since I was assigned as 2nd up in Kihei, decided to take advantage of Subway's "buy 2 foot-long sandwiches for $9.99". That will cover my meals for my days off and with all those fresh veggies, it'll be a lot healthier than what I normally consume. As soon as I checked back in I was dispatched up to Ma'alaea. One solo male going from the Maui Ocean Center, the huge aquarium, to Lahaina. Things are beginning to look up.
Get back to Kihei at 10p and my next call was a new "regular" going from central to far north Kihei after work.
Shortly after clearing that one, the folks from the first run called me, this new business card is working, to take them back to Wailea. The meter is climbing very nicely. How could it get any better?
Dropped them at the Kea Lani and get an assignment from another resort. 2 young ladies wanting to go to Spatz, the night club at the Hyatt Regency, in Ka'anapali. I tried to get the return for that one but they didn't know when they would be coming back. They might just get "lucky" or maybe would just spend the night at the Hyatt. They had my card and there are cabs at the Hyatt all night long.
Departing the Hyatt, one of their floor hosts "flagged" me just down the drive from the club. He had a big black guy that needed a ride from there to the Royal Lahaina. A little under 2 miles away. From Detroit, he was aggressive, abusive and intoxicated. He had been refused admission to the club due to his condition and all he could do was scream RACIAL PREDUDICE the agonizingly long 6 minutes that I had the displeasure of his company. It takes money to get here. It takes money to stay here but all I saw and heard was inner city ghetto out of his mouth. He kept threatening to get a pipe-bomb and blow up Spatz. Big mouth, no class and he had been short changed on brains. Add alcohol and he was a born loser.
Finished the night with 2 bar-close, good ones, and 3 good dog-watch.
11 fares / 180 miles / 4th quarter $200 bracket
This isn't the first time and I doubt if it will be the last.See what I have to put up with.
Three days off!Judy and Richard are taking me to dinner on Tuesday for my 60th.
Everyone enjoy the rest of your weekend. I'll be back tomorrow.
Haleakala Sunrise

"Let's all be careful out there!"