The phone never rang after 1:45am
I was relieved at 4:30am and home by 5:00am.
Not one obnoious drunk and no incidents inside or outside of the cab.
Take home was acceptable.
I did meet some rather pleasant individuals from around the world.
This 4-pax is from various areas of California, enjoying their holiday time on the island.

This couple is on their honeymoon, from Manchester, UK. She is even prettier than the picture shows. I can't explain it but she had an aura about her. Instantly "likeable".

Wednesday night/Thursday morning, about 3:30am, I answered a call from 76 UnoCal requesting my services. Since I was in the middle of another run at the moment, I told the girl I would be there in about 15 minutes
11 minutes later I pulled into the station and a guy walked up and opened the right front door, where all my paperwork, etc. is laying.
"I am sorry, sir. You'll need to get in the back"
"WHAT!!??!! Thats bullshit."
He slams the door.
Opens the rear door and sits.
"Let me tell you buddy. You just cut your fucking tip in half."
3 - 2 - 1 - ignition -
"Actually , sir. You've just cut it to zero. Get out of the cab. Now."
"What?! I was just kidding."
"No you weren't, sir. Get out of the cab and start walking."
"Who else can I call?"
"You're S-O-L, sir. I am the only cab on this side of the island until 5:30am. GET out of the cab.
"How do I get back to my place?"
"Try walking. We humans have been doing it for millions of years. GET out of my cab. NOW!"
"I was just joking" he moaned.
"Last warning, sir.
I lifted "Maggie" off the seat into non-threating view.
"Asshole" was his parting comment.
"Treat others they way you want to be treated" has always been a good rule of life.
Especially when dealing with the only available cabbie in town.
"Let's all be careful out there!"