STARVE A COWThe Governor of Texas requested,
and the EPA denied, a rollback on the mandated 9 billion gallons of ethanol to be added to gasoline in Texas this year and the 11 billion for 2009. The Governor says the requirement is causing the price of cattle feed to skyrocket.
Jobless claims
hit a 6-year high.

We are all equal under the eyes of gawd, unless you're the preacher's wife. Then you only have to obey a less qualified standard of behavior.
Typical story of a rich blond bitch in First-Class seating. She needs to get her ass back to the trailer park for some reality checking.
American combat troops leaving Iraq
by October 2010. Thats if Dubya or McCain or Haliburton don't screw things up. And thats straight from the camel's mouth.
NASA is getting ready for a facelift on the ISS. When completed, the crew capacity will double from 3 to 6. No word on when NASA will be having the "kegger" house warming party.
"Dear Web Poster.
I would like to offer you an opportunity to help promote my Presidential campaign and earn exciting gifts for yourself."
Click here for further exciting details.
There is no requirement for a working brain, since we will supply you with all the cc&p's of "talking points" you'll ever need for any forum, blog or news article comment. Have your entire family sign up today. Lets leave Washington for us wrinkly, white-haired guys. They don't call it the WHITE House for nuttin'.
AOL, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Earthlink, Time-Warner.. Its hard to tell want their
new relationships will be with each other, but it will most definitely be different.
Finally, you might find this slinking story
Thanks for you time and visit. See you soon.
"Let's all be careful out there!"