It has a 1,000,000,000 (one billion) light year wide abyss. Some parts of the world would refer to that number as 1,000 million. If you are interested, here's the story.
Just 1 light year is 5,878,513,232,720.91 miles [statute] in length (9,460,550,000,000.00 kilometers).
It was another good night. Never left town and didn't stop moving until about 11:30p. From then until 1:00a the three of us left (ONE-NINE / #27-TMR / #07-Hardin) would get an occasional "flag" or dispatch. Just enough to keep from being totally bored. Bar-close was wild and I didn't get the phone until 2:30a. The first chance that Hardin and I finally could cross paths.
The first 3-1/2 hours was strictly tourist dinner runs/returns capping off with the beginning of the bar-rush.
The rest of the shift was a mix of tourist/resident.
Everyone was nice, pleasant, and, with one exception, tipped well and occasionally very well.
And they all faded into the blandness of life as soon as they were gone. Not that they were "bland" people, they weren't. They just didn't have any "uniqueness" that would focus your attention. The type of folks that would make good neighbors.
19 fares / 128 miles / 2nd quarter $200 bracket
Not only is Aerosmith coming to Mau'i next month but Three Dog Night will be here next Thursday. Performing at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center in Wailuku.***
The week is finally over. Another reduction of 168 hours from my time allotted to Earth.Let me check my datebook for this weekend.
Absolute nothing to do but sleep. Wake up when necessary. Eat when hungry. Watch some TV.
Oh, did I mention SLEEP?
I do have some usable e-mails that I'll be sharing and, as always, more images from THE PICTURE GALLERY.

"Let's all be careful out there!"