***** FIVE STARS! *****
Lyonnaise Potatoes
Fresh Asparagus With Hollandaise Sauce
Sautéed Mushrooms
~also (for me only)~
Jumbo Shrimp (yeah, I know, oxymoron)
Picked Judy up just before 6:30pm. She was all dolled up in the new dress I gave her last Monday. Looked really nice.
First stop was to get the Olympus 7.1 megapixel digital camera that was my other gift for her. Then on to dinner.
The chef at Ruth's is a friend and regular passenger. He said he had something special planned for us. We both order the petite filet and knew exactly what side dishes we wanted. Each side dish easily serves two.
Lyonnaise Potatoes is just a fancy name for "home fries".
Cy, the chef, prepared a very special veal ravioli appetizer for us. Absolutely F A N T A S T I C !
While waiting for our entre our server, Josh, stopped by to ask if either of us were allergic to shrimp.
Those two guys went right to the top of Judy's "Admiration Society". Thus, my steak was served with a half dozen "Jumbo" shrimp and some lobster atop it. I brought those home with me since I didn't have the heart to enjoy them in front of her and I wouldn't be able to kiss her goodnight, at the end of the evening.CY & JOSH!
We were both too stuffed for desert, but Cy sent out a beautiful cheesecake, about the size of a cereal bowl. A solitary candle glimmering from the center. The top cover in strawberrys. She took the first bite and her eyes began to radiate extreme pleasure. She gave me the next forkfull.
I really like cheesecake. Never had a bad one. Some are mediocre, othes are okay. A few are really good and a very rare count are mind-blowing. That hollow sound from inside my head is where the brain used to be.I limited myself to just that one bite. She loves cheesecake as much as I do and I wasn't going ti impinge.
Oh, while she hasn't seen her e-mails yet, she knows about them. She asked me to tell each of you thank you. She says it may take a bit but she will answer each one.
Thanks for sharing the personal reflection with me and I hope you have a wonder day.Another brain dump tomorrow.

"Let's all be careful out there!"