The first part of the night was a wee bit on the busy side. I was the radio link to the $$ for 7 cabs and I was able to keep them filled up with runs until the 9p hour. Then things began dying down, like a plane slamming into a mountainside. Very abrupt change.
There was a canceled flight last night and one of our off-duty drivers, out at the airport, called the owner, who made some statement about it over the air. Then he called me. Told him that I wouldn't be dispatching anyone to OGG unless we received a call from the airport concierge, requesting our services. There are protocols that must be followed or the wrath of the airport
I am not questioning the veracity of the two drivers who suddenly "dropped tag" for "specials", at OGG. Supposedly, people they had dropped earlier at OGG, for the grounded flight, had called them to be taken to the Westside. Strange that they both "10-13'd" (no show/no load). Very strange. Never did receive "The Call", nor did I expect to. We are only notified in the later hours (after 11p), when no other cab companies are available and buses/shuttles are not readily accessible.
The calls and the cabs both disappeared by 10p. First 4 left, then 3 and finally 2. They (#18 - TMR / #22 - Kimo) had some pauses but generally were either on or on the way to runs.
50 phones calls / 258 recorded transmissions
Everyone have a safe, interesting and profitable Monday.We'll chat again tomorrow. Okay?
Haleakala Sunrise

"Let's all be careful out there!"