I consider it the day the Constitution of the United States was violently assaulted by our current occupant of the Office of the President of the United States of America. Whether it survives his repeated attacks is "iffy".
"Patriotism means to stand
by the country.
It does not mean to stand
by the president."
---Theodore Roosevelt
by the country.
It does not mean to stand
by the president."
---Theodore Roosevelt
thanks Lugosi for the image

Did you get your invitation?
A unique WORLD CLOCK***
The Renaissance Wailea Beach Resort has closed.Forever.
Resort occupancy is down.So they raise rooms rates.
These is still a lot of controversy about some of the events of this day. Inconsistencies between what we are told happened and visual evidence that seems to contradict those statements.The one that stands out in my mind was an interview with a woman whose adult daughter was on Flt 93, the one that crashed in Pennsylvania. It only aired once on CBS-TV and went something like this:
"We're ready to attack the cockpit. The wing is on fire. I gotta go Mom."
And some wreckage was found over 6 miles away, even though the plane did a vertical nose-dive into the ground. Something happened to that plane before it crashed.I am not advocating any of the conspiracy theories that we have all heard over that last 6 years but some things just don't add up.
Found this quip on Overheard In New York:
Guy #1: Yeah, so the taxi driver took us through the most congested traffic. He did it on purpose!Remember, though, that some of us have a "bite" worse than our "bark".
Guy #2: That's why you have to tell them where to go.
Guy #1: And be firm.
Guy #2: It's like training a dog.

"Let's all be careful out there!"