Back at 1a and things had just started poppin'. Immediately given a 2-pax from Mulligans to central Kihei. Then we had 20 people at Mulligans, headed to Kihei. Every one of them were Irish. I love to listen to the lilt in an Irish accent. Especially the rising inflection of the final word in a sentence. The only problem I have with natives of Ireland is that they just don't "tip". Were absolutely stunned when I told them that I don't carry coins (quarters, dimes, nickles, pennies) for change. The combined "tip" for the two Mulligans fares was 50-cents.
I made my money on the dog-watch. Just a pu-pu shortly after 2a. Followed by a "10-13". Compiled all of today's reservations and e-mailed them to the owner. We were in deep shit. Up to 7a there were 8 runs scheduled from 4:30a and only 2 scheduled cabs to cover them. ONE-NINE and #5 (Wally). None of these were "shorties", either.
I covered the 4:30a from Wailea to OGG. A couple from Melbourne, Australia. I gave up trying to converse with them when I couldn't understand one word out of their mouth. I've heard our friend DB's voice. Easily understood. I have heard the voice of 3yo "Doctor Holly Muppet" and her Mum. Clear as a bell. I don't think the folks this morning ever opened their mouths or moved their lips when speaking. Other than that, they were very nice and tipped handsomely.
Compared to ourselves, English speaking people have very noticeable accents, whether the speaker be from the UK, US, AU, or any of the other English speaking areas of the world. Usually I can understand them.
This increased my meter for the night by about 50%. Prim (#07) checked in at 5a and Flor (#21) at 5:15a, and were both immediately given assignments. Wally asked me to hang around and cover Wailea until someone cleared. No problem.
A typo on a reservation sheet that I compile every morning had shown a pick up at 5:30p. It should have been an "a" instead of a "p". I am there and they are ready to go. To Lahaina Harbor! That adjusted my meter upwards by, again, 50% from the prior total. Made arrangements for Wally to cover the return at 3:30p. Then I got the cherry added to my sundae. As I am clearing Lahaina Harbor, a couple approaches and asks to be taken to the Hyatt in Ka'anapali. From Kuril Island, Russia. They sounded exactly like TMR and their English was easily understood. Finally cleared at 6:22a (ugh! the sun is rising!). The owner allowed me to just bring ONE-NINE home and I walked in my front door about a quarter past 7a. Exhausted! Thats why todays post is so late.Going to grab a bite, and crawl off to bed, smiling, as soon as I hit "publish".
10 fares / 163 miles / 3rd quarter $200 bracket
Have a great day!Mahalo
I Am Holding This Spot For You

"Let's all be careful out there!"