When I took the phone from TMR at 2a, he advised me that I had a "special" at 5:15a. 2 people going to OGG from The Prince. Thats a really good run. Naturally, I covered it. The night had been slower than the Thursdays of late. Much slower.
Brought ONE-NINE home again. Still "no space at the inn".
It took from 7p to 2a to put $100 on the meter. I have usually had that by 10p, on the last few Thursdays. One short fare during the dog-watch and then my "special". I had already logged off for the shift when I entered Kihei and was at my place, parked and starting to shut everything down when the owner came on the radio. He had taken over the phone and needed a cab to cover a fare in Kihei. One driver declined the call due to a prior reservation. It was "prima-donna" and even though she had over 30 minutes until her "special", she wouldn't take the call. No one else was available. The pickup was just down the hill from where I was. So I piped up and offered to cover it. It was a good thing I did. A nice couple from Queensland, AU, needed to get from The Coast to Safeway to meet a shuttle bus to Ma'alaea at 6:45a.
"No worries, mate."
Made the pickup at 6:29a and delivered them at 6:37a. Gave me $20 on an $11 fare. Thats a BIG tip by American standards and an unbelievable one from OZ.A nice surprise to end my night.
Made it home about 2 minutes before the sun struck my door. Us vampires don't fetch much enjoyment from direct sunlight. I am sure you already knew that. It WAS in all the papers.
I found out that an anonymous person took exception to the comment I made about locals and ghetto dwellers on Wednesday's post. Its my opinion and I'll stand by it.
9 fares / 114 miles / 4th quarter $100 bracket
If anyone is interested, the Autumnal Equinox occurs at 9:51a (UTC, a/k/a/ "zulu", a/k/a/ "Greenwich", a/k/a/ "GMT") on the 23rd. That would be 4:51a in NYC, 8:51p along the east coast of OZ and 11:51p, the 22nd, in Paradise. Fall arrives north of the Earth's waist and Spring on the other side.
Oh, AEROSMITH canceled their performance on Mau'i, scheduled for next Wednesday.
Enjoy your Friday and your weekend.
I'll be back tomorrow and hope to see you again soon.
Kapalua Area

"Let's all be careful out there!"