Didn't sleep well yesterday. Couldn't fall asleep and then didn't want to wake up. As a result, my ying/yang was whacked all night.A very slow start to the night. Logged in 6th up, out of 9 on duty, in the Wailea queue and it was over an hour before I achieved the first position. And then I sat. And sat some more. Finally given a dispatch to OGG. Maybe my kismet clock had reset.
Still out of kilter, it was a "10-13".
One of the hotels has a concierge who doesn't know the difference between AM and PM. The people I had been waiting for had departed 12 hours earlier. This is about the 7th time this same person has made the same error.
Resume #1 at 9p. During the waiting period I had assumed dispatch. A few minutes later I get my first run into the "Triangle".
Tonight, 10:30p was when we began moving. A fare every 15 minutes or so. It stayed like that through bar-close and into the first hour of my solo time. My final run was from the Maui Lu Resort to the "ship" in Kahului. The Maui Lu is the oldest hotel on the "south-side". Its been around for generations.
And no matter what I did, I couldn't do it right. If it could go wrong, it did. That effect has lasted all the way to now. I hope I can finish this post without erasing my hard-drive.
Hardin is off again tonight. Guess who will probably get stuck with the phone again.
13 fares / 105 miles / 3rd quarter $100 bracket
Everyone enjoy your weekend. I'll be back tomorrow and hope you will be also.Mahalo

"Let's all be careful out there!"