One of the major drawbacks to driving a cab is dehydration. It is a delicate balancing act to keep enough fluids in your system to prevent kidney damage and yet not drink so much as to cause excessive "pit stops" during the shift. We have very few open public restrooms at night and not really that many in the day, either.
I usually have a 12oz (355ml) Pepsi with me, just to "wet the whistle" during the shift. However, when I finally get home, I'll consume up to a gallon (4 liters) of iced tea in no time flat. Of course, that means that I have to get up every 90 minutes or so during my sleep time. After "taking care of business", I usually drink another quart (liter) of tea before crawling back into bed.
"QUEEN" NORA AND "FAMILY"After Bath "Snuggle Time" With Mommy

You are more than welcome to TRY and get by them without permission. Just leave a note with the contact info for your "next-of-kin" on it. It makes the Medical Examiner's job so much easier.
My good buddy, Van, from Maui Action Photos was taking some "stock shots" earlier this week and, when he uploaded them, found a whale waving "good-bye". April 15th is generally considered the end of "Whale Season".
All of today's images (except the last one) in THE PICTURE GALLERY are courtesy of Mike W., who sent them to me along with the following wonderful (edited) e-mail:
Wil, if I may call you that, sir, I greatly enjoy your blog. I was a real kick to find it, as my wonderful wife Stacy & I were in Kihei in Sept. I wish that I had found you before then, but alas, we'll just have to make it next time. I planned the trip surrupticiously, even calling Stacy's boss to secure good dates that wouldn't impact the operation (she is the plant controller - in charge of all things accounting in an aerospace facility). This turned out to be a brilliant move on my part (not my opinion, she told me this) as there was no guilt on her part for taking off. We did the condo thing, and it could have been a bit dicey.... the Kihei Surfside was being remodeled, and the damn elevator was out! I felt bad for the folks above us on the 4th floor and up, but heck, we ended up liking it pretty well. The view was excellent, and we were on the go most of the week anyway. We discovered LuLu's and really liked the cocoanut shimp, so that was cool to see the story about you and Judy trying them out. We like to get a car and explore places on our own, but when we return (and we will) I am going to try and get you on a slow night when you need a fare to fill in a slow spot, just to show us around.Mahalo, Mike. Looking forward to meeting you.
Thanks, and please keep up the good work & stay safe.
As always, I truly appreciate you taking some of your precious time to stop in and peruse my drivel.Hope to see you again real soon.
Zodiaks At KBR
(Kihei Boat Ramp)
(Kihei Boat Ramp)

"Let's all be careful out there!"