AND ITS ALOHA FRIDAYStarted the shift with 3 night cabs and 3 day cabs. The other scheduled night driver is Tina (#05), who is on vacation this week.. 2 of the day drivers were gone by 9:00pm. The third left about 11:00pm. One night cab also threw in the towel just after 11:00pm. That left just myself and Alex TMR (#27) and the two of us never stopped moving the remainder of the shift. The tips ranged from minus 10-cents to $15. Most were about 50% of the meter.
Just before 1:00am I get a dispatch to the Dolphin Plaza area for a MPD call. Picked up a mildly intoxicated young lady from Canada. The police had stopped her vehicle for probable cause and arrested her boyfriend for DUI. She was polite, well mannered and quietly flabbergasted. She needed to go to an ATM and get $1,000, in cash, to bail her amore out of the gaol. There is an outside ATM at the 76 station next to the "Triangle" and just 1-1/2 blocks from the MPD-Kihei District Station. After a few minutes of frustration she asked me to help her. The operation of an ATM was just a wee bit too complex at her current level of sobriety. The machine had a maximum extraction limit of $200 per transaction. After 15 attempts, 4 of which were successful, and two credit cards and one ATM card, she managed to obtain $800, She had over $200 in cash on her so the boyfriend was getting a "Get Out Of Jail" card and the conjugal part of the evening was still on her agenda for the night.
Returned to MPD at 1:45am and made the run from there to their hotel. By his own admission, he was stopped for erratic driving caused by her fondling him. After he told me that she said, "If that made you excited, wait until I get you to the room. It gets waaaay better."
As I dropped them off, my chuckle was silent and my smirk was completely concealed. "Y'all have a nice morning" was my parting comment. All "bar closes" are different and interesting. Some are fun.
*** *** ***
A locally popular song is played multiple times throughout the day on every radio station, regardless of format, in Hawai'i on Fridays. Click the title link to hear a snippet and you can find the complete lyrics
THE PICTURE GALLERYHaleiwa Ali'i Beach Park
North Shore, Oahu

Ho'okipa Beach ParkMaui


"Let's all be careful out there!"