I was pondering our government (of the rich, for the rich, by the rich) and thought about all the wars we have lost. Korea, Viet Nam, The "War on Poverty", the "War on Drugs" the war in Iraq, the "War on Terrorism". I am neither left or right. I am a true middle of the roader. I register and vote as an independent. So don't mistake my comments as "Bush Bashing". It really doesn't matter which party holds what positions. It doesn't. Politicians of all parties are only interested in one thing. POWER. Period.
I have a very simple philosophy about voting. I refuse to vote for an incumbent. Once a person is elected to office, their greatest concern is getting re-elected. The only effective work is done by first-termers trying to make a name for themselves. As the cliche goes, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
*** *** ***
A very busy Saturday night. #18 had it's alternator replaced and was back on the road. Started, and finished my night with OGG runs and plugged 13 other fares inbetween them. Made some decent moola.
By Saturday night I am up to HERE with drunks. Had a call to Hapa's at bar close and the security officer at Lipoa Center and the doorman at Hapa's were trying to get a drunk out of a vehicle and literally pour him into my cab. This guy couldn't walk. He only spoke spanish and he had no cash. They wanted me to get him away from the bar so the County Liquor Board enforcement officers would not issue them a citation for serving an intoxicated person. I watched them for a few minutes and finally said "NO WAY". I drove off and left them with the drunk dangling between their shoulders, literally. Thats one of those incidents that I file under: "Contempt of Cabbie."
Its the end of another week and, as you can probably tell, I am in a grumpy mood. Just tired.
*** *** ***
I see that Blogger/Blogspot was dead in the water yesterday for over three hours. It took me almost 30 minutes to get their "STATUS" page loaded and I guess I was lucky to even get that much.
Hey, its free and "you get what you pay for".
Well, I am off to the "Land of Nod". Have a great day and we'll talk some more tomorrow.

"Let's all be careful out there!"