Doing in excess of 140mph is a good way to meet troopers along Alabama's Emerald Coast. Doing it with 11 others is a fantastic way to meet a LOT of State Troopers.
Maybe teachers have just TOO much free time during summer vacation.
It was only a small fire in Brooklyn, yesterday. But firfighters managed to keep it burning for hours until the local McDonalds ran out of food. The Battalion Chief said: "Man, you gonna eat those fries?"
The International Olympic Committee is reevaluating the building slalom event for kite-surfers. Lets face it, it IS a watersport.
How to tell if you are a true elitist? When you have to tell reporters that your staff will have to get back to them on that, when asked how many homes you own. Related video:
I think the term "Born Loser" barely begins to cover this story. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again & again & again & again....
Alledgedly, these are the 5 greatest hoaxes of all time. I guess they never heard McCain explain how he is a "common man".
French ban TV channels and programming aimed at children under three, claiming it will damage their development. That's absurd, American kids have been watching tv practically since birth, and. . . uh-oh
The newest agri-business: Blood farms.
Its almost the weekend. Hang in there for one more day, my friends.
Thanks for visiting..

"Let's all be careful out there!"