So, I have reactivated Blogger's "comment" service. It will be moderated to keep trolls from wasting everyone's time. Also, if I read it correctly, the comments will be embedded directly below the post. This eliminates all that hassle of pop-up window or being shuffled off to some other web page. If anyone else has left comments over the last couple of days, and they didn't appear in that sidebar widget (also history) then I never received them.
Don't forget, you can also use the chat box on the sidebar to just make general comments. Don't even have to sign in.
Hey, its almost March and winter will soon be leaving our presence. I am so HAPPY!
Oh, has anyone noticed that my other blog has both a left AND a right sidebar. Blogger doesn't offer that as an option but I've been doin' some readin' and figured out how to make it work. Pretty kewl, eh?

"Let's all be careful out there!"