Yesterday, Ali McGraw turned 70!
COMPUTER. ACTIVATE HOLODECKA congressional hearing was held yesterday regarding virtual reality websites. I guess our leaders aren't satisfied with screwing up the real world.
WANT TO GO WATERBOARDING?When I was young, I knew that America, with all its faults, was still a fantastic place to live. We always took the "high ground" when deaaling with our adversaries. Others may break the rules but we would stay the course and prevail because good would always triumph over evil. I wonder just when this all ended?
The recently declassified memo authorizing torture, a setback to our national and global image, is devastating. The entire Bush administration should be brought up on charges for war crimes. Their actions have jeopardized our troops, citizens and reputation.
THE JETHRO BODINE SYNDROMEHigh school dropout rates are atrocious. In some areas only 24.9% of those students entering high school actually graduate. I guess we could say that the "No Child Left Behind" program could be considered a failure. I saw one blip on the news where a kid was interviewed. He had a job working the counter at a McDonalds. He said that he wished he had stayed in school so he would be able to become a shift supervisor. Suburban schools faired a lot better than urban ones.
Here in Hawai'i, its hard to find teachers that even speak English, let alone are capable of teaching it.
Think about it, these are the future leaders of our nation. I wonder just how fast we can slide from a 1st world nation into a 3rd world status?
THIS MAKES MY HEART BLEED - NOT!Congress is bringing Big Oil under scrutiny. Do you really think it will actually make a difference? This is strictly a dog & pony show in an election year. Especially on a national level, Big Oil puts a lot of money into the coffers of re-election campaigns. Everyone involved is more concerned about Wall Street and don't give a shit about Main Street.
I really, really wanted to find a way to end today's post on a good, upbeat note, like the "happy" newscasts do.Sorry, it ain't gonna happen.
Until tomorrow...

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"