As anticipated, hurricane Flossie got within 65 miles of South Point, on the Big Island, right at midnight. The northeast (energy) quadrant of the storm rammed into the 14,000 feet of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea and sheared right off of the eye of the storm, which quickly dissipated. It was only a CAT-1 at the time and within minutes it was a tropical storm. That same action turned the storm on a due west course. It had been moving west-northwest.
Meteorologists say that those "miniscule" mountains would have no effect on a hurricane and yet this is the second time I have seen it occur on radar.
It was very warm and extremely humid all night, and still is this morning. The air was so thick with water that ONE-NINE's a/c was causing the exterior of the windshield to fog up. Changed the control setting to "Floor/Defrost" and rolled down the windows. The only workable solution that I have been able to devise.
If you are planning on coming to Mau'i, please do NOT have U.S. AIR / AMERICA WEST as your departing flight. Their track record on Mau'i is atrocious. More cancellations than all the other airlines combined.
10 fares / 167 miles / 3rd quarter $200 bracket
Please enjoy the rest of your day and I hope to see you again tomorrow.
North Kihei
South Kihei Road

"Let's all be careful out there!"