Richard, Judy's new love, is a really nice guy. We had spaghetti, talked, watched HEROES. Like me, he isn't much of a drinker. Which is nice. Judy looks good, is healthy and is obviously very happy. We had a nice comfortable evening.
They are taking me out to dinner next Tuesday for my birthday. I'll be taking the night off. Lets face it, 60 is a milestone number.
The former owner, Art, has been ill. The rumor is that he has colon cancer and will be under going surgery this week. I send him my best thoughts.Now that I have a working phone, I talked to my son over the weekend. He and family are doing great. Spoke with the "daughter" on Friday and she and her two boys are likewise. Even had my "ex" call yesterday to check in. She had been on Kaua'i this past week at a religious retreat. She is an ordained minister now. I have no idea what faith system that is in. She had a great time. She had called me before the trip but there wasn't any flexibility in our schedules to meet. Maybe next time. I also talked to my sweetheart "Wiskers" and she and family will be here in February. There is a good chance that she will stay on and work/live here.
Gee, I just realized that in the past week I have spoken with every important person in my life. Thats very rare for me.
Back to work tonight. I have no idea who will be dispatching. I'll bring ONE-NINE home after my shift and then it'll be Halloween when I awaken tomorrow and off to Lahaina for, hopefully, a spectacular night.
Everybody have a wonderful day. See you tomorrow.

"Let's all be careful out there!"