I HOPE ALL THE DADS HAVE A GREAT DAYJust curious. What was the best "Fathers Day" gift you ever received?
Mine was a handmade ceramic ashtray from my son when he was in the Cub Scouts.

20 runs, big buck$ and we were short cabs all night.
Summer is here!

For the second time in two weeks, I finally got an airport run. Everything else have all been on the "Southside". It was nice to leave town.
* * *
~ Rob ~ Laura ~ Tricia ~
Rob & Laura are from Boston, MA.
Tricia is from Shelton, CT
~ Lee ~ Cesar ~ Diana ~ Sean ~
Lee & Cesar are from Summit, NJ.
Diana & Sean are from Chatham, NJ
Those two towns are justing "spitting distance" from each other.
~ Aron ~ Malissa ~
From Columbus, OH.
They have been here two weeks.All the people pictured above were great passengers! Unfortunately, they all return home today. I had each group as fares multiple times during their stay. I am going to miss them all. But I know the next 2-1/2 months will bring many more people to make friends with.
* * *We played "hot potato" with the phone last night. Art, the owner, turned it over to TMR Alex before I started. He passed it to me about an hour after I logged on. I had to give it to Harden when I thought I was headed to the "westside" and then took it back from him about an hour later when that run was a "10-13" (no show/no load). After midnight it was just the three of us on the road and we were backed up about a hour on calls.
The closer it got to "bar close" the more frequent the calls came. Finally had to tell people to just be outside and grab a cab when one came by. I wouldn't accept direct booking from the bars or patrons. We would just pull in, load up, drop off and return for more. Finally cleared the books by 2:30am.
During those final two hours, when I answered a call, the "call waiting 'beep'" would be chirping in my ear. All those who responded to my query "Where are you located" with "Kihei", "I don't know" or anything akin to that got the "end call" treatment.
It stayed busy even during my solo hours.
Towards the end of my shift, Brigien from
Denny's called. Made the pick up about 20 minutes later. Another drunk tourist who didn't know the name of his condo or where it was located. I still had three more runs pending. I asked very direct questions, trying to get some form of landmark or other means of identifying where he needed to go. I guess my questions pestered him too much. 3/10's of a mile later he committed "contempt of cabbie" by telling me to "just shut up and drive". I dumped him on the curb, right there.
My day reliefs, Flor and "Murph" came on before 5:00am and I "got the hell out of Dodge". They are going to have a busy day. 9 OGG runs before 12 noon.
FRIEND FINDER POPUPTried 5 different computers last night to see if this "pop-up" would appear when I visited this blog. Never happened. No problems. Again, it must be something that is in your PC. If you don't believe me, then just read the HTML yourself, if you know how. And go down to your local library and use their PC and see if it appears. I've exhausted all my options. Good luck!
I have disabled the use of "Anonymous Comments".
If you are too shy (thats a nice way to phrase it) to let us know who you are, then I really don't give a hoot about what your opinion might be.

Later.....Wil=8^))"Let's all be careful out there!"