In fact it was 65% better. Which isn't really bragging. Tuesday's $$ take was very poor. After deducting the gas and a credit card from the company's 60% of the meter, plus $6, they owed me $7.51, I'll roll that over to tomorrow's trip sheet. Earlier this year I had a 4-day period where the company owed me money at the end of each shift. It was gradually increasing. Then came Saturday night and it was a GOOD Saturday. Well into the $300 range. With all the rollover I think I had to pay around $12 to the company. Even though a portion of the cash had been mine for days, just seeing that much cash at one time was psychologically gratifying. I am sure you understand.
One strange guy from Chicago was a double fare. To/from Mulligans out of one of the resorts. He stayed about 3 hours. Very well maintained on the return. What was different about him was that every time I spoke on the radio, I was dispatching, he wanted to know what "that" meant. Not obnoxious, though he would have been on a long ride, just curious.
I believe in keeping radio chatter to the minimum and to "shorthand" every thing.
"One-four, Four Seasons, Kea Lani."
That identifies me as the transmitting unit, where I picked up from and where I plan to drop.
Keep It Simple, Stupid
Keep It Simple, Stupid
7 fares / 86 miles / 1st quarter $100 bracket
I got "Elfed" today.Twice!
The first one features the Muppet family from Australia. Featuring Holly, accompanied by Muppet's Mum and Muppet's Daddy.
The second was sent by my sweetheart, "Wiskers".
Please, I know you are rushed right now but just take a moment to stop, look around you and enjoy the Season. Step back and look at it through the eyes of a child.Mahalo

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"