Okay, I realize that is a broad generalization and I have probably insulted a few of my visitors. But its TRUE. Here is yet another example.
I mentioned in the prior post about the cancelled flights. Mary M., an associate, and I took an 8-pax from OGG to the Ka'anapali Beach Hotel and we both made arrangements to pick them up at 9:00pm, Saturday night, and return their party to OGG.

Mary even called them Saturday afternoon to confirm the reservation and told them that we would be there no later than 8:45pm.
We both arrived at 8:35pm, ready to go. We waited and waited and waited. 9:00pm came and went. Finally, at 9:20pm, we called it a "10-13" and headed back. These no-so-nice folks FROM NEW JERSEY had wasted 3+ hours and 75 miles of our gas, each.
The Ka'anapali Beach Hotel is designed to resemble the '30's style of hotels in Hawai'i and is located in the planned resort community of the same name.
Another beautiful hotel in Ka'anapali is the Mau'i Sheraton.

They have this really neat shadow screen projection that can only be viewed as you depart their property.

I stopped to get a couple of pics of the street entrance to Whaler's Village

and was lucky enough to have a gentleman from southwest Montana approach me and request that I take him to Ka'anapali Shores, which is located about 3 miles to the north in the town of Honokowai, a condo community. Made a little bit of money anyway. :)
Lahaina Town was the original capitol of Hawai'i, during its days as an independent kingdom. This is the setting for James Mitchner's epic novel HAWAII.
It was also the main whaling port in the Pacific. Those whalers and the missionaries didn't mix well. One missonary's home was shelled by cannonballs from a whaling boat, in protest of the missionaries trying to protect the virginity of Hawai'ian women. From what I have read, the women were as willing as the sailors. Just visit any seaport in the world today and nothing has changed.

The streets of the town are very, very narrow, as you can see.
I took these while driving and they are a bit blurry, sorry.
Got back to Kihei about 10:30pm and took over the phone since it was my night to "dispatch".
Had the usual assortment of bar runs.

Tsunami's had some sort of problem, at their 1:00am close, requiring both the police and the paramedics. I never found out what it was and honestly really didn't care after a long week.
The other drivers were all gone by 2:15am and I stayed mildly active.
At 3:30am I changed over to cab #5 (a mini-van) and headed back to Ka'anapali to pick up four people from the Westin Mau'i for a trip to OGG. Turned out only two needed a cab.
This was a very pleasant couple from Westminister, CA, USA, a city just south of Los Angeles. We "talked story" the entire 45 minute ride.
That was a great way to end the shift and my week.
An intelligent conversation with sober, intelligent people.
"Let's all be careful out there!"