Are you brave enough to watch FoxNews for 24 hours straight? This guy made a valiant effort. He can have visitors on Sunday afternoons.
I have definitely returned to the land of the weird. That's the city I live in.
Judge to drug dealer:
"Not only is it illegal, but you’re not very good at it, given the number of times you’ve been caught."A contender for the LLDE list.
- act 1 - Amateur drinker spends $1.000 a week on beer. Wants to turn "pro".
- act 2 - Suspected beer thief leaves liquid trail.
- act 3 - O J Simpson wants you to buy him a beer. He'll meet you out back, behind the stairs. Bring your own utensils and sports memorabilia.
"Just because you're poor doesn't mean you're unhealthy; it just means you have a lot more time to go running."Obviously the writer of this LA Times news bit must have been short on his weekly "words in print" quota:
Why Is There Traffic In Los Angeles?Are you a good dancer? Me neither. Which is why I'll stay away from this place.

"Let's all be careful out there!"