Secretary of Defense Gates has accepted the resignations of (read that as "fired") the Secretary of the Air Force and the top general of the Air Force. To say that the job they were doing exceeded their capabilities would be an understatement.
The Senate Intelligence Committee has released its report about what the Dubya Administration knew, didn't know and fabricated during the run-up to the Iraqi war. The Republican members of the committee are discounting the report as just political rhetoric in a campaign year. Saying that the same Democratic members voted for the war originally. What they won't acknowledge is that the members were only given the encapsulated intelligence reports provided by Dubya & co. Not the complete raw data. What it all boils down to is that every major reason that "fearless leader" evoked as justification for nearly 4,100 wasted GI lives and nearly 100,000 Iraqi civilian deaths was all a lie. We won't even discuss what the wasted trillion plus dollars could have been used for to aid our economy.
It looks like Turkey's Constitutional Court has more balls that France's equivalent. This may make for a long hot summer as Islamic fundamentalists protest this secular decision.
So, what is a logical way to protest high pump prices? Why set fire to a Starbucks, of course.
The way teenage angst is now expressed since I was a kid, or my kids were that age, has really changed. And it isn't any better in the UK either.
I guess people in Hartford CT don't really give a shit about anyone but themselves. Nobody came to this 78 year old man's aid and no one called 9-1-1. The hit & run was only reported when a cop responding to another call stumbled on the scene. He is paralyzed and in ICU. All those 'LOOKIE -LOOS" should be lined up against a wall and have someone beat them with a baseball bat and then left to fend for themselves.
Continental Airlines is joining United and American in cutting service and jobs.
Are you planning on doing Disney World in Florida this year? The place is huge but Disney and Google have teamed up to produce a Google Earth 3-D map.
Its TGIF!Have a fantastic weekend.
Hope you can come back soon.

"Let's all be careful out there!"