Yesterday the House passed the 5 year 2008 Farm Bill by a veto proof margin. The Senate is expected to do the same today. Dubya has flatly stated that he will veto it. But, with the overwhelming support on both sides of the aisle in both Houses of Congress, why is he going to make this futile effort? He has become the proverbial petulent child who pouts because he is losing the game.
In past tragedies in China, their government put up a firewall to restrict the flow of information. This has not been the case for the recent earthquake. Probably because of their commitment to a successful Olympic Games in August, they have become very liberal in allowing press coverage about everything in their country. Like the western world, China has ceased being a country and is turning into a multifaceted corporation. Whether this new outlook will continue after the Games is unknown. They are accepting global aid in their rescue recover efforts and are being asked to urge Burma/Myanmar to do the same. I think part of the problem with the later is that the country is overcrowded and the ruling junta might just be using this as a means of "natural" population reduction/control. That way the world community would see them as either completely inefficient or uncaring but could not bring claims of deliberate genocide.***
The US Dept. of the Interior has added the polar bear to its "Endangered Species" list. A spokesperson for the 2 remaining polar bears not in captivity expressed appreciation from his home in the Bahamas.***
I'll be back later with more rants and raves. As always, thanks for coming by. The time you spend here is appreciated very much. Have a great day!Mahalo

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"