Okay, I did make one tiny mistake. Forgot to power up the phone prior to taking over dispatch. Had it plugged in to charge, which illuminates the screen, and didn't realize that it was still powered off. Very busy with other details at that moment. And that was the only error of my night.
Took those two young ladies from last night to finally get their pasta dinner. They called me just as I was starting the night, requesting a pick-up at 7:15 PM. Had them as passengers twice more during the evening. Finally dropped them at The Prince, down in Makena, where they were to meet their mom. She had arrived about 9:30 PM. They never called back and I presume they spent the night there.
An active night with little sit-time. The only disappointing thing was the non-existent bar-close. There were plenty of people at the "Triangle" but they all stupidly drove home. Also noted that I seldom saw any patrol cars on the road last night. Even though there are ads running on radio & TV saying that the police are out in force looking for DUIs with extra patrols and sobriety check points (e.g. Road Blocks). If that is true, they are doing one hell of a job in stealth mode. I haven't seen a road block in over a year in south Mau'i.
My second fare of the night was a pick-up at the Diamond Resort, in Wailea. Dispatch didn't know where it was going nor how many people. Surprise, surprise, surprise. A solo female to OGG. Had a nice meal before the flight so she wouldn't have to stomach the airline food, which now costs extra. No more free meals included in the price of your ticket any longer. The airlines will probably start placing toilet paper in a coin operated vending machine in the near future. The in-flight movie is still free to watch but to hear it you must purchase a headset, which costs as much as most tickets in land-based theaters.
The rest of the shift was the normal dinner and bar runs and I stayed active right through the dog-watch. Finishing my last run just 2 blocks from where I park #14. Walked in the front door just about 5a.
15 fares / 140 miles / 2nd quarter $200 bracket
Sorry for the late post but I am having problems connecting to the web. I don't know whether its my ISP (Road Runner) or my landlord's wireless router, which feeds me. I've been having intermittent problems all week. Each day worse than the prior. Frustrating. I've been trying to post since 7:03 AM, my time. I personally think its Road Runner. They have started promoting their new "Turbo" service and downgrading all connections that aren't enrolled to something just a bit faster than DSL.
Well, I will be working New Years Eve but not behind the wheel of a cab. I had planned to enjoy my regular day off and not have to deal with amateur drinkers night. The boss called and asked if I would be willing to dispatch from 9p until whenever from my house. Hell, I am going to be awake anyway so why not. Right? Puts a few extra coins in the pocket. Not an option after this for the next 4 or 5 years. The holidays will fall on my regular work schedule.
I plan to skip doing all the regular paperwork for that night associated with running the phones. I am going to be too frigging busy to do anything but answer and send. My brain will resmble fried oatmeal by the end. New Years night doesn't end at the witching hour. It also doesn't end at our 2:00 AM bar-close. For the past 6 years it was still going strong when I would turn my cab over to the day shift at 5:00 AM. After hours parties at private residences and alcohol induced holiday romances keep the phone ringing all night long.
Well, I am tired, hungry and intellectually challenged at the moment. So its a nosh, then bed. Thanks for coming by and I hope you can make it over tomorrow.

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"