A direct copy of Lori's Blog. Any assistance you can render would definitely be appreciated. TOYS FOR TROOPS
Christmas Gifts to Soldiers
Sunday, December 6, 2009
VILLAGE INN PIZZA PARLOR (corner of Springfield
and Mattis, Champaign)
Thanksgiving boxes are arriving to their final destinations—I just received a note from a Major saying "thank you for taking care of my marines!" We immediately turn our attention, to Christmas gifts for our guys & gals in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Last year's event at Village Inn was so successful that we're working with the fine folks there this year also. There's plenty of space for our project, and plenty of good food to wind down to when all of the work is done.

We mean to send everyone on our list a box of great holiday goodies! CDs, DVDs, t-shirts, socks, games, letters, and gourmet foodies.
YOU can help by:
Purchasing a gift for a soldier, and bringing it to the event or dropping it off before hand. If you need pickup service, we can arrange that also.
Baking some cookies or other treats
Showing up on the 6th with Christmas wrap, scotch tape, scissors, and a smile
Clicking on the button on the right, and sponsor the cost of shipping 1 box
I have downloadable, printable flyers if you are interested in learning more, or sharing this information with your coworkers, church, scouts, VFW, or any other organization.
As always, if you're not from Central Illinois, you can still participate in the merrymaking: If you'd like to send a box of gifts to a soldier, we'll give you a name, address, some gift ideas, and shipping advice. Many have already started their boxes.
"Let's all be careful out there!"