She has spent a good portion of this month in Greece. The Fates willing, she and her family should be here sometime in April. I can hardly wait. I miss her so much. I'll also be able to meet Queen Nora for the first time. She'll be 1 year old and probably walking by then. Gosh, time flies so fast.
Picked up my Saturday Night Special again. This time I took Ray and Pat out to the Seawatch Restaurant at the Wailea Gold & Emerald Golf Courses. It is located in the clubhouse. On the way back I asked if Pat still owned her boutique, she doesn't, and what Ray did for a living before he retired. Oops. He hasn't retired, yet. He owns a construction engineering firm that builds those really big structures around the world. Not as active as he once was, he delagates a lot now, but still has his finger on the pulse, so to speak. They had called at home before I started my night, so I had a better than average start. After I delivered them, I sat for over an hour until my next fare. What could I expect? Considering just how bad it has been I was actually surprised that I only had that much down-time. The second run was a money maker: Kea Lani to OGG. Sweet!! And I made it back in time to cover Ray and Pat's return to their condo. Timing was excellent. Cleared that and another "special" called, needing a ride home from work at the Four Seasons. I told her that I would be there in about 15 minutes, I was at the Long's Shopping Center. She asked if I could purchase a couple of bottles of wine for her, since she was out and we wouldn't make it to a store before package sales of alcohol ended at 11:00 PM. Made the purchase, made the pick-up and made the drop-off. For a Wednesday, things were beginning to look prosperous.
The rest of the night continued in that vein and even my dog-watch hours added nicely to the "kitty"
Both of my reliefs were in before 4:00 AM and I was "pau hana" by 4:30 AM.
Last night I was finally the pigeon rather than the statue. Thats rare. No one else even came close to me in quantity or meter.
It is still "cold" here. The high temp at the airport, where the NWS meteorlogical station is located, never got above 68ºf. It was brushing 59º/60º when I came home. For Kihei, that is extremely cold. We should see a change back to normal this weekend. Hopefully.11 fares / 120 miles / 4th quarter $100 bracket
Oh, and my body bitched all night long.
Lets get together again tomorrow. Okay?

Over The Limit?
Please don't drink and drive
Please don't drink and drive

"Let's all be careful out there!"