When I added everything up this morning, I was surprised to see that my take home was over 80% of my meter. Bummer is that it wasn't a $300-$400 shift. Those are coming (hopefully) very soon.
- Slow
- boring
- dead
- wet
- profitable
- None of the above
- All of the above
- What was the question again?
I am looking over my trip sheet and there wasn't one run of interest. Just a routine mix of tourists and residents.
Wednesday night I had one fare , a local, ask me as soon as he hopped in the cab if I had change for a $100. Thats a question that you NEVER(!!) say "yes" to. He wanted to stop at a gas station and get it broke and I told him that the stations don't keep that much cash available but the grocery stores do and suggested Safeway, directly along our route of travel. Just as we approached Safeway, he changed his mind and claimed he had enough to pay. And did he ever. The proverbial "horse choker". Gave me $15 on a $14.60. But the little "voice" in my head just kept screaming at me. Something just wasn't kosher. When he called back during the dog-watch, I brushed him off with a long waiting time response. I ALWAYS(!!) listen to my little "voice". A major reason I made it to 60.
7 fares / 80 miles / 4th quarter below $100 bracket
I needed to print up some biz-cards yesterday. So, I sat down at my laptop and it dawned on me that the template is on the damn PC. Lets just leave it with the knowledge that I was not successful in my endeavors.Well, its Friday. Tonight is as good as this week is going to get. I am hoping for miracles.
BTW - Just 25 Shopping Days until Christmas.
The Perfect Storm

"Let's all be careful out there!"