"Wil, can you come in early?"And thus started my "day". The company had been busy all day with Wailea/OGGs and it continued into the night. Didn't slow down until after 9:30p. Only one day holdover and she was in Lahaina.
"I'll be out the door in 5 minutes."
I was the only cab on the south-sdie when I logged on. An immediate pu-pu run in Wailea and then into central Kihei for an OGG. Immediately had a dinner run when I got back to Wailea, into Kihei. Then another OGG out of Wailea. It eventually slowed but never stopped and the runs kept coming through most of the dog-watch.
Murph added about 189 miles during his Saturday shift and he was the only morning cab to show by the time I handed ONE-NINE over to him this morning. Wally must have overslept. He has a new phone # and no one knows it. Couldn't call him.
A lot of long trips on today's reservations and some of them are part of a new "group" that officially arrive on Monday. Luxury brand car dealers, about 1,000 people total. These "whales" like to go places and do things, not just loll around their resort. Not usually big tippers but you make your money off the larger and more frequent runs.
It should be a good start for October. Always hope for the best.
17 fares / 171 miles / 3rd quarter $200 bracket
I dispatch from home tonight. Check back tomorow to see how it went.
Lahaina Area

"Let's all be careful out there!"